Congratulations on celebrating National Bike Month. Every year the League of American Bicyclists designates May as National Bike Month. Yuma, Somerton, San, Luis, Wellton and Yuma County have all proclaimed May as bike Month.
This is a big step in the right direction for sure, but we really would like to have more events. Suggestions for events are bike rides of every description and experience level. Usually included is a “silent bike ride“ for those killed or seriously injured in a bicycle accident. Let’s get ready and step out for the events you like.
Safety is still and always the most important consideration when out riding. All licensed drivers know the rules of the road, and these rules apply equally to all vehicles on the road, motor and non-motor. Be safe. Right on the right. Use lights and be seen.
The YRPC recent meeting with our new police chief was very fruitful. The Yuma Police Bicycle Unit will be reestablished as soon as staffing numbers allow it. It is an area of particular interest for him.
We have establish a good relationship with Yuma County public health services district. Our joint effort is to bring more people to bicycling and help them to learn how best to use bicycles in their daily life. Ride to work, run errands, and just good exercise–all are a plus and improve physical activity and good health.
Why ride a bike? We all have a good reason that is personal and unique to us. Let’s start with “to sleep more deeply.” “Exercising outside exposes you to daylight,” explains professor Jim Horne from Loughborough University’s Sleep Research Center. “This helps get your circadian rhythm back in sync and also rid your body of cortisol stress, hormones that can prevent deep regenerative sleep.”
Be safe and right on you. And as always,

See you on the road.